botiss maxgraft® uni-cortical blok 10x10x10 mm, 31111

botiss maxgraft® blocks

maxgraft® blocks are allograft bone substitute from human donor bone, processed by the Cells+Tissuebank Austria with a special cleaning process (Allotec® process) and available in cancellous and cortico-cancellous form.

Learn more about om botiss maxgraft® here

botiss maxgraft® blocks are allograft bone substitute from human donor bone

maxgraft® blocks are allograft bone substitute from human donor bone, processed by the Cells+Tissuebank Austria with a special cleaning process (Allotec® process) and available in cancellous and cortico-cancellous form. Due to its preserved natural bone structure and collagen content, it serves as a scaffold for natural bone regeneration and has the potential of complete remodeling into patients’ own bone.

Real alternative to Patients own Bone
The cancellous structure allows an optimal revascularization and supply of vital cells and therefore enables a rapid regeneration of vital bone tissue. Due to a compact and dense bone part in maxgraft® uni-cortical blocks, a greater volume stability is given. For block augmentation maxgraft® blocks are the only real alternative to harvest patients’ bone. A second surgical site to harvest autologous bone and the associated risk of infection, donor-site morbidity, postoperative pain, and loss of bone stability can be avoided. For experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeons, customized allogenic bone blocks, maxgraft® bonebuilder (, are an additional treatment possibility to avoid time-consuming block shaping.



  • A predictable and highly effective alternative to traditional block grafting
  • Ridge augmentation


  • Preserved biomechanical properties of human bone
  • Osteoconductive properties supporting natural and controlled tissue remodeling
  • Natural mineralized collagen
  • Rehydration is recommended
  • 5 years shelf life at room temperature


  • Extensive bone defects
  • Atrophic maxilla/mandibula
  • Horizontal/vertical augmentation


  • Individualized allogenic bone block
  • Significantly reduced operation time
  • Improved wound healing


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