Sutures - Puredent webshop[:] Udstyr til tandlæger, læger og dyrlæger Fri, 09 Aug 2024 13:07:33 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Sutures - Puredent webshop[:] 32 32 Serafit PROTECT 4/0, DS-18, 70 cm, multi, resorbable, violet, 24 pcs Fri, 31 May 2024 10:35:21 +0000 Serafit PROTECT 4/0, DS-18, 70 cm, multi, resorbable, violet, 24 pcs

SERAFIT® is a braided absorbable suture which is extremely pliable and which allows smooth passage of the suture during placement but does not then cut through the tissues. It can be tied reliably, even in areas containing a great deal of blood or tissue secretions, and ensures knot-holding security.


Good knot tensile strength / Easy to tie / Optimally smooth passage through the tissues

How to order (Choose 6 pay for 5)

  • Choose freely between the sutures - 6 pcs. of the same suture or mix between several variants to give a total of 6 pcs.
  • When paying, you choose invoice as payment method.
  • Please note that the rebate (the cheapest suture) will be deducted during the invoicing process.
  • We will deliver the invoice with the products.

Indlægget Serafit PROTECT 4/0, DS-18, 70 cm, multi, resorbable, violet, 24 pcs blev først udgivet på Puredent webshop.

SERAFIT® product data

Technical specifications:


  • Polyglycolic acid

Suture symbol:

  •  violet, multifilament (braided), coated
  •  undyed, multifilament (braided), coated


  • USP 8/0 to 6 (undyed: 6/0 to 1)
  • EP 0.4 to 8 (undyed: 0.7 to 4)

Absorption profile:

  • min. 50% tensile strength after 14 days
  • 0% after approx. 90 days

See the full program HERE

Indlægget Serafit PROTECT 4/0, DS-18, 70 cm, multi, resorbable, violet, 24 pcs blev først udgivet på Puredent webshop.

Serafit PROTECT 5/0, DS-18, 70 cm, multi, resorbable, violet, 24 pcs Fri, 31 May 2024 10:27:50 +0000 Coated chlorhexidine

SERAFIT® is a braided absorbable suture extremely pliable and allows smooth suture passage during placement but does not cut through the tissues. It can be tied reliably, even in areas containing a great deal of blood or tissue secretions, and ensures knot-holding security.


Good knot tensile strength / Easy to tie / Optimally smooth passage through the tissues

How to order (Choose 6 pay for 5)

  • Choose freely between the sutures - 6 pcs. of the same suture or mix between several variants to give a total of 6 pcs.
  • When paying, you choose invoice as payment method.
  • Please note that the rebate (the cheapest suture) will be deducted during the invoicing process.
  • We will deliver the invoice with the products.

Indlægget Serafit PROTECT 5/0, DS-18, 70 cm, multi, resorbable, violet, 24 pcs blev først udgivet på Puredent webshop.

SERAFIT® product data

Technical specifications:


  • Polyglycolic acid

Suture symbol:

  •  violet, multifilament (braided), coated
  •  undyed, multifilament (braided), coated


  • USP 8/0 to 6 (undyed: 6/0 to 1)
  • EP 0.4 to 8 (undyed: 0.7 to 4)

Absorption profile:

  • min. 50% tensile strength after 14 days
  • 0% after approx. 90 days

See the full program HERE

Indlægget Serafit PROTECT 5/0, DS-18, 70 cm, multi, resorbable, violet, 24 pcs blev først udgivet på Puredent webshop.

OO151729 Terylene, green 4/0, GR-20, 50 cm, multifilament, non-resorberbar Wed, 15 May 2024 09:36:00 +0000 Terylene, green 4/0, GR-20, 50 cm, multifilament, non-resorberbar

SERAPID® is a further addition to advance our range of synthetic absorbable sutures. SERAPID® has an optimal, pliable braided structure and is characterised by its particularly short absorption time and high knot tensile strength.

Special features

  • short absorption time
  • high knot tensile strength
  • easy to tie because of the special coating

How to order (Choose 6 pay for 5)

  • Choose freely between the sutures - 6 pcs. of the same suture or mix between several variants to give a total of 6 pcs.
  • When paying, you choose invoice as payment method.
  • Please note that the rebate (the cheapest suture) will be deducted during the invoicing process.
  • We will deliver the invoice with the products.

Indlægget OO151729 Terylene, green 4/0, GR-20, 50 cm, multifilament, non-resorberbar blev først udgivet på Puredent webshop.


SERAPID® Product data

Technical specifications

Suture symbol
 green, multifilament (braided), coated
USP 6/0 to 5,
EP 0.7 to 7

Indlægget OO151729 Terylene, green 4/0, GR-20, 50 cm, multifilament, non-resorberbar blev først udgivet på Puredent webshop.

3O151333 Serapid 4/0, GS-12, 45 cm, multifilament, resorbable Wed, 15 May 2024 09:29:36 +0000 Serapid 5/0, DS-12, 45cm, multi, resorbable, undyed

SERAPID® is a further addition to advance our range of synthetic absorbable sutures. SERAPID® has an optimal, pliable braided structure and is characterised by its particularly short absorption time and high knot tensile strength.

Special features

  • short absorption time
  • high knot tensile strength
  • easy to tie because of the special coating

How to order (Choose 6 pay for 5)

  • Choose freely between the sutures - 6 pcs. of the same suture or mix between several variants to give a total of 6 pcs.
  • When paying, you choose invoice as payment method.
  • Please note that the rebate (the cheapest suture) will be deducted during the invoicing process.
  • We will deliver the invoice with the products.

Indlægget 3O151333 Serapid 4/0, GS-12, 45 cm, multifilament, resorbable blev først udgivet på Puredent webshop.


SERAPID® Product data

Technical specifications

 Polyglycolic acid
Suture symbol
 undyed, multifilament (braided), coated
USP 6/0 to 1;
EP 0.7 to 4
Absorption profile
min. 50% tensile strength after 5 days
0% after approx. 42 days

See the full program HERE

Indlægget 3O151333 Serapid 4/0, GS-12, 45 cm, multifilament, resorbable blev først udgivet på Puredent webshop.

4O153229 Serafast, 4/0, GR-20, 45 cm, mono, resorbable, 24 pcs Wed, 15 May 2024 09:24:28 +0000 SERAFAST

SERAFAST is the right choice for indications with a short wound healing time when all the advantages of monofilament sutures count.


  • Superior ease of handling
  • Passes extremely smoothly through the tissues
  • Short absorption time

See all data online:

Choose 6 sutures - pay for 5 (the cheapest is free)

How to order

  • Choose freely between the sutures - 6 pcs. of the same suture or mix between several variants to give a total of 6 pcs.
  • When paying, you choose invoice as payment method.
  • Please note that the rebate (the cheapest suture) will be deducted during the invoicing process.
  • We will deliver the invoice with the products.

Indlægget 4O153229 Serafast, 4/0, GR-20, 45 cm, mono, resorbable, 24 pcs blev først udgivet på Puredent webshop.


Serag-Wissner SERAFAST

Type: transparent / monofilament / absorbable
Absorption profile: 50 % tensile strength after 8 – 13 days
Absorption process completed after approx. 90 – 120 days

Program overview (pdf): Click here

Program overview online: Click here


Indlægget 4O153229 Serafast, 4/0, GR-20, 45 cm, mono, resorbable, 24 pcs blev først udgivet på Puredent webshop.

PeriAcryl 90HV, 5ml + 50 pipetter Tue, 09 Apr 2024 08:07:30 +0000 Periacryl 90 HV er en akrylbaseret kirurgisk vævsklæber fremstillet med en speciel formel af butyl- og octylcyanoacrylat-klæbemidler, der er specielt designet til at binde det bløde væv i mundhulen. Limen skaber en stærk og fleksibel bandage, der hjælper under den kirurgiske lukning af vævene og stabiliserer operationsstedet.

9x mere viskøs formel forbedrer kontrollen under påføring. Dette nye produkt er 9 gange mere tyktflydende end den originale PeriAcryl®90-formulering og har samme styrke- og holdbarhedsegenskaber, som eksperter stoler på.

Indlægget PeriAcryl 90HV, 5ml + 50 pipetter blev først udgivet på Puredent webshop.


Kan bruges til at reducere antallet af suturer i blødt væv og anvendes i stedet for sutur – under de rette forhold. Reducerer det inflammatoriske infiltrat markant og reducerer som følge heraf arret på limstedet, og giver en bedre og mere lige epitelisering langs operationssårets længde.Stabilisering af tandkødet – limen reducerer implantatets krympning, varigheden af operationen og smerteniveauet i implantationsområdet. Desuden kan transplantatets høststed dækkes med et tyndt lag cyanoacrylat for at reducere smerte og fremskynde heling af området.

Anbringelse som en bandage på tandkødet efter kirurgiske indgreb.

Stopning af postoperativ blødning hos patienter, der tager antikoagulantia – en kombination af lim og suturer hjælper meget effektivt med at stoppe blødning hos patienter, der tager antikoagulantia.

Reparation af et dybt snit i tungen uden sting – i stedet for at sy dybe snit i tungen, som er et smertefuldt indgreb, der kræver bedøvelse, kan du bruge Periacryl og reparere snittet hurtigt og effektivt.


  • Hurtig selvhærdningstid på kun 30 sekunder
    Lilla farve, når der er behov for bedre identifikation
    Transparent farve til områder, der kræver æstetisk behandling
    Brugervenlig og meget praktisk og intuitiv
    Flaskens specielle design holder den ren
    Fri for giftstoffer og farlige stoffer
    Stopper blødning hurtigt og effektivt

Indlægget PeriAcryl 90HV, 5ml + 50 pipetter blev først udgivet på Puredent webshop.

PeriAcryl 90HV, 2ml + 20 pipetter Tue, 09 Apr 2024 08:05:48 +0000 Periacryl 90 HV er en akrylbaseret kirurgisk vævsklæber fremstillet med en speciel formel af butyl- og octylcyanoacrylat-klæbemidler, der er specielt designet til at binde det bløde væv i mundhulen. Limen skaber en stærk og fleksibel bandage, der hjælper under den kirurgiske lukning af vævene og stabiliserer operationsstedet.

9x mere viskøs formel forbedrer kontrollen under påføring. Dette nye produkt er 9 gange mere tyktflydende end den originale PeriAcryl®90-formulering og har samme styrke- og holdbarhedsegenskaber, som eksperter stoler på.

Indlægget PeriAcryl 90HV, 2ml + 20 pipetter blev først udgivet på Puredent webshop.


Kan bruges til at reducere antallet af suturer i blødt væv og anvendes i stedet for sutur – under de rette forhold. Reducerer det inflammatoriske infiltrat markant og reducerer som følge heraf arret på limstedet, og giver en bedre og mere lige epitelisering langs operationssårets længde.Stabilisering af tandkødet – limen reducerer implantatets krympning, varigheden af operationen og smerteniveauet i implantationsområdet. Desuden kan transplantatets høststed dækkes med et tyndt lag cyanoacrylat for at reducere smerte og fremskynde heling af området.

Anbringelse som en bandage på tandkødet efter kirurgiske indgreb.

Stopning af postoperativ blødning hos patienter, der tager antikoagulantia – en kombination af lim og suturer hjælper meget effektivt med at stoppe blødning hos patienter, der tager antikoagulantia.

Reparation af et dybt snit i tungen uden sting – i stedet for at sy dybe snit i tungen, som er et smertefuldt indgreb, der kræver bedøvelse, kan du bruge Periacryl og reparere snittet hurtigt og effektivt.


  • Hurtig selvhærdningstid på kun 30 sekunder
    Lilla farve, når der er behov for bedre identifikation
    Transparent farve til områder, der kræver æstetisk behandling
    Brugervenlig og meget praktisk og intuitiv
    Flaskens specielle design holder den ren
    Fri for giftstoffer og farlige stoffer
    Stopper blødning hurtigt og effektivt

Indlægget PeriAcryl 90HV, 2ml + 20 pipetter blev først udgivet på Puredent webshop.

6O151329 Serafit 4/0, GR-20, 45cm, multi, resorbable, undyed, 24 pcs Fri, 29 Sep 2023 08:14:33 +0000 Serafit 4/0, GR-20, 45cm, multi, resorbable, undyed

SERAFIT® is a braided absorbable suture which is extremely pliable and which allows smooth passage of the suture during placement but does not then cut through the tissues. It can be tied reliably, even in areas containing a great deal of blood or tissue secretions, and ensures knot-holding security.


Good knot tensile strength / Easy to tie / Optimally smooth passage through the tissues

How to order (Choose 6 pay for 5)

  • Choose freely between the sutures - 6 pcs. of the same suture or mix between several variants to give a total of 6 pcs.
  • When paying, you choose invoice as payment method.
  • Please note that the rebate (the cheapest suture) will be deducted during the invoicing process.
  • We will deliver the invoice with the products.

Indlægget 6O151329 Serafit 4/0, GR-20, 45cm, multi, resorbable, undyed, 24 pcs blev først udgivet på Puredent webshop.

SERAFIT® product data

Technical specifications:


  • Polyglycolic acid

Suture symbol:

  •  violet, multifilament (braided), coated
  •  undyed, multifilament (braided), coated


  • USP 8/0 to 6 (undyed: 6/0 to 1)
  • EP 0.4 to 8 (undyed: 0.7 to 4)

Absorption profile:

  • min. 50% tensile strength after 14 days
  • 0% after approx. 90 days

See the full program HERE

Indlægget 6O151329 Serafit 4/0, GR-20, 45cm, multi, resorbable, undyed, 24 pcs blev først udgivet på Puredent webshop.

6O101329 Serafit 5/0, GR-20, 45cm, multi, resorbable, undyed, 24 pcs Fri, 29 Sep 2023 08:04:42 +0000 Serafit 5/0, GR-20, 45cm, multi, resorbable, undyed

SERAFIT® is a braided absorbable suture which is extremely pliable and which allows smooth passage of the suture during placement but does not then cut through the tissues. It can be tied reliably, even in areas containing a great deal of blood or tissue secretions, and ensures knot-holding security.


Good knot tensile strength / Easy to tie / Optimally smooth passage through the tissues

How to order (Choose 6 pay for 5)

  • Choose freely between the sutures - 6 pcs. of the same suture or mix between several variants to give a total of 6 pcs.
  • When paying, you choose invoice as payment method.
  • Please note that the rebate (the cheapest suture) will be deducted during the invoicing process.
  • We will deliver the invoice with the products.

Indlægget 6O101329 Serafit 5/0, GR-20, 45cm, multi, resorbable, undyed, 24 pcs blev først udgivet på Puredent webshop.

SERAFIT® product data

Technical specifications:


  • Polyglycolic acid

Suture symbol:

  •  violet, multifilament (braided), coated
  •  undyed, multifilament (braided), coated


  • USP 8/0 to 6 (undyed: 6/0 to 1)
  • EP 0.4 to 8 (undyed: 0.7 to 4)

Absorption profile:

  • min. 50% tensile strength after 14 days
  • 0% after approx. 90 days

See the full program HERE

Indlægget 6O101329 Serafit 5/0, GR-20, 45cm, multi, resorbable, undyed, 24 pcs blev først udgivet på Puredent webshop.

LO07171T Seralene, 6/0, DSS-15, 50 cm, mono, non-resorbable, 24 pcs Mon, 12 Jun 2023 14:37:57 +0000 Vælg 6 suturer - betal for 5 (den billigste er uden beregning)

Sådan bestiller du

  • Vælg frit mellem suturerne - 6 stk. af den samme sutur eller mix mellem flere varianter så det i alt giver 6 stk.
  • Ved betaling vælger du faktura som betalingsform.
  • På faktura - som modtages sammen med varerne - er den billigste fratrukket det samlede beløb.

Seralene 6/0, DSS-15, 50 cm, mono, non-resorbable

SERALENE is a non-absorbable suture developed especially for vascular surgery, as it passes optimally through the tissues thanks to its smooth pore-free surface. PVDF is related to PTFE. In comparison with polypropylene, SERALENE  has much greater durability, i.e. the material remains unchanged in the body. This ensures long-term stability of the stitches.

Further indications for use: e.g. as skin closure with premium needles, especially in plastic surgery. In addition, SERALENE has been used in minimally invasive surgery for intradermal and endoscopic suturing (“endo-suture”) for many years.


Sustained tensile strength / Knot-holding security / Almost no memory effects after stretching / Best results in vascular surgery

Indlægget LO07171T Seralene, 6/0, DSS-15, 50 cm, mono, non-resorbable, 24 pcs blev først udgivet på Puredent webshop.

Indlægget LO07171T Seralene, 6/0, DSS-15, 50 cm, mono, non-resorbable, 24 pcs blev først udgivet på Puredent webshop.
